1 依憲法增修條文對原住民族應予特別保障者,不包括下列何種事項?
A教育文化 B充分就業 C經濟土地 D衛生醫療
2 憲法並未明定廣電自由,但可從下列何項基本權內涵中得出?
A言論自由 B遷徙自由 C結社自由 D工作權
3 依憲法增修條文規定,行政院對編入中央政府總預算案中之年度司法概算,可以做下列何種處理?
A退回司法院 B刪減 C加註意見 D送總統府審查
4 依憲法增修條文規定,總統發布緊急命令後,提交立法院追認,若立法院不同意時,則該緊急命令變成如何?
A立即失效 B交由大法官解釋 C視為法律案,開始進行三讀程序 D退回給總統
5 下列何者不是總統制的特徵?
6 依憲法增修條文規定,總統行使下列何種職權時,無須行政院院長參與或行政院會議決議?
A總統解散立法院 B總統頒布緊急命令 C總統向敵國宣戰 D總統發布行政院院長之任免命令
7 依據憲法規定,法官非受刑事或懲戒處分或禁治產之宣告,不得如何?
A免職 B改任行政職 C調職 D降職
8 依憲法增修條文之規定,下列關於司法院大法官之敘述,何者錯誤?
9 下列何者非監察權行使的對象?
A立法委員 B司法院大法官 C行政院政務委員 D考試委員
10 我國考試院院長和下列那種公職人員的產生方式相同?
A行政院院長 B立法院院長 C司法院院長 D總統府秘書長
11 國稅與省稅、縣稅之劃分為:
12 依司法院大法官釋字第492 號解釋意旨,商標專用權主要受下述何種基本權保障?
A財產權 B工作權 C勞動基本權 D知的權利
13 依憲法增修條文規定,立法委員對行政院院長所提出的不信任案,若表決未獲通過時,下列敘述何者正確?
14 下列有關現役軍人之敘述何者正確?
A不得兼任文官 B不得有宗教信仰 C不得加入社團 D不得享有投票權
15 下列何者不是學理上所謂之參政權?
A言論自由 B選舉權 C罷免權 D複決權
16 依我國刑法規定,無責任能力人是指:
A未滿二十歲之人 B未滿十八歲之人 C未滿十六歲之人 D未滿十四歲之人
17 商事法與民法就同一事項均有規定時,應如何適用?
A商事法優先適用 B民法優先適用 C兩者同時適用 D兩者皆不適用
18 「行政行為,非有正當理由,不得為差別待遇」,稱之為什麼原則?
A平等原則 B比例原則 C不當聯結禁止原則 D公益原則
19 下列何種處分得採取代履行之行政執行方法?
A補稅處分 B拆除違建處分 C歇業處分 D罰鍰處分
20 下列那一種人不是刑法上的公務員?
A國稅局的稅務稽查員 B法官 C檢察事務官 D勞委會職訓局的學員
21 甲員工因為協助其他員工向雇主提出性騷擾的申訴,遭到該雇主調職,依照性別工作平等法之規定,下列何者為正確?
22 下列那一種雇主的給付在性質上不屬於工資的範疇?
A每月固定領取的薪水 B因實際工作而獲得的工作獎金
C因延長工作時間而獲得的加班費 D雇主因勞工家有喜事或喪事而給予勞工的紅白包
23 依司法院大法官解釋,憲法上之法律保留原則不僅規範國家與人民之關係,亦涉及何者間之權限分配?
A行政、立法兩權 B司法、行政兩權 C立法、司法兩權 D監察、立法兩權
24 「國家機關不得為達目的而不擇手段」係就下列何一原則之描述?
A不當聯結禁止原則 B比例原則 C法律保留原則 D平等原則
25 經典作品「法意」(De l’Esprit des lois)的作者為誰?
A亞里斯多德 B孟德斯鳩 C盧梭 D洛克
26 民國87 年實施的犯罪被害人保護法,主要在落實下列那一項社會法制?
A社會保險 B社會救助 C冤獄賠償 D社會補償
27 下列何者無須法律規定?
A現行犯之逮捕 B傑出青年之表揚 C司法機關之設立 D文武官員之任免
28 依據法律條文之立法意旨,以解釋法律條文之意義,此種解釋方法如何稱呼?
A歷史解釋 B合憲解釋 C目的解釋 D論理解釋
29 褫奪公權、沒收應歸屬下列何種概念?
A行政罰 B刑罰中的從刑 C刑罰中的主刑 D保安處分
30 下列關於歷史解釋方法的敘述,何者錯誤?
31 The court rejected the ___ of the defendant though his lawyer made a strong argument for him.
Apartition BparticipationCpetitionD pension
32 Creativity is a much-needed ___ in this old and conservative company.
A assetB commission C compassion D liability
33 What I am going to tell you is ___ . Please keep it a secret and never let it out.
AnutritiousB confidential C sufficientDinspiring
34 With a camera ___ , you can get instant results, save the files onto the computer, and e-mail pictures to your friends.
Adigital Bsilent C crystalD patient
35 The money we have saved in this account is to be used for one purpose: ___ the purchase of a new house.
AspiritualBstickyC specificD savage
36 His complaint is just the tip of the ___ . There is a lot more to come.
A iceberg Bhurricane CtornadoD typhoon
37 The man who robbed the bank ___ by the police immediately.
AcaughtBwas caughtCwould catchD had caught
38 Helen really did not know ___ exactly Tom was getting at, but she believed him all the same.
39 Roommate A: What happened to our air-conditioner?
Roommate B: It’s not working.
Roommate A: What should we do now?
Roommate B: Don’t worry. I’ve called a technician and ___ .
Roommate A: Thank God!
Ahe’s going to the church B he’s out of town C he’s on the wayD he’s in the way
40 Tom: What’s wrong with your motorbike, Jenny?
Jenny: Oh, it’s out of order and I’m in a hurry. Would you mind fixing my motorbike?
Tom: ___ I’ll fix it for you right now.
ACertainly not. BYes, I will. C I would.D I don’t care.
41 Clerk: Next, please!
Passenger: Two one-way tickets to New York leaving at 4:00 on Platform A, please.
Passenger: Oh, that’s too bad.
AI’m sorry. Tickets to New York are sold out.
BThey’re 20 dollars in total. Keep the change.
CYou should ask people on Platform A
DYou have to wait there until the train comes.
Nearly 50% of all workers in the United States have jobs they aren’t happy with. Don’t let this happen to you! If you want to find the right job, don’t rush to look through the classified ads in the newspaper. Instead, sit down and think about yourself. What kind of person are you? What makes you happy?
According to psychologist John Holland, there are six types of personalities. Nobody is just one personality type, but most people are mainly one type. For each type, there are certain jobs that might be right and others that are probably wrong.
Understanding your personality type can help you make the right job decision. Liz is a good example. Liz knew she wanted to do something for children. She thought she could help children as a school counselor or a lawyer. She took counseling and law courses— and hated them. After talking to a career counselor, she realized the problem was that she’s an Artistic type. Liz studied film, and she now produces children TV shows— and loves it.
Here are some descriptions of the six types of personalities:
(1) The Realistic type is practical and enjoys working with machines and tools.
(2) The Investigative type is curious and likes to learn, analyze situations, and solve problems.
(3) The Artistic type is imaginative and likes to express himself or herself by creating art.
(4) The Social type is friendly and enjoys helping or training other people.
(5) The Enterprising type is outgoing and likes to persuade or lead other people.
(6) The Conventional type is careful and likes to follow routines and keep track of details.
42 What does the author suggest one do in order to find a right job?
AGo through the ads to find one.
B Consider what one is like and is happy with.
CThink about parents’ advice.
DPonder over all the jobs that are popular.
43 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
AMost people are chiefly one personality type.
BEach type of personality may be right for certain jobs.
C Knowing one’s personality type is helpful in making job decisions.
DMost people are only one personality type.
44 Which of the following statements is true about Liz?
AShe enjoyed being a counselor.
BShe made the right choice at her first try.
CShe loves to produce TV shows for children
D She hates being an Artistic type.
45 According to the passage, which of the following jobs is most suitable for a Conventional type of person?
AA civil servant B An entrepreneurC A scientistDAn entertainer
When it comes to money, are you a hardworking miser who wants to make and save a lot of money in order to retire early? I have seen many people pursuing higher-paying and increasingly demanding careers to accomplish this goal.
They make many personal sacrifices 46 income today. The problem is that tomorrow might not come. 47 all goes according to your plan, will you know how to be happy when you’re not working? More importantly, who will be around to share your 48 ? One of the 49 of engaging in an intense career is time spent away from friends and family. You may indeed realize your goal of retiring early, but you may be 50 too much living today in expectation of living tomorrow. As Charles D’Orleans said in 1465, “It’s very well to be thrifty, but don’t amass a hoard of regrets.”
46 Aat the cost of Baside fromC in charge ofDin exchange for
47 AUntil BEven if CAs long as DAt least
48 Aleisure time Bwork loadC loans and debtsD expenses and possessions
49A values B prizes Cbenefits D costs
50Agoing after B putting off Cfiguring out Dcoming up with