ORIGINAL AIR DATE:U.S.20080113(Showtime)
Shane accepts a last-minute gig as a wedding hair stylist for the wealthy family of Jenny and Tina's producer William Halsey, and finds herself literally up to her ears in illicit sex with the bridesmaids – and even the mother of the bride. But she's soon dodging the clingiest of her lovers, advising the distraught, reluctant bride to go through with the ceremony, and fleeing for her life when her paramours figure out that she's been double and triple-timing them.
Meanwhile, Shane's friends speculate about the burning of WAX, which everyone attributes to Paige. And an attempt at a love connection ends in disappointment for Tina, who can't manage to disguise her lingering attraction to and love for Bette. When Bette shows up at The Planet with Jodi, her appearance puts an end to Tina's increasingly awkward first (and last) date.
Tasha's solicitation of legal advice from a colleague on base reveals the truth about why she wasn't deployed to Iraq – she's being investigated by the military for suspected homosexual conduct. And it's quickly clear that even old friends won't be willing to defend her. Alice struggles to accept Tasha's desire to remain in the service and lie about her true nature.
Adele, an eccentric new hipster patron of The Planet and a recent émigré from Florida, turns out to be Jenny's number one literary fan and quickly lands herself the job of the writer's new, disturbingly devoted assistant.
Determined to date other people and not make the same mistakes she did during her long and unhappy marriage, Phyllis breaks up with Joyce, who doesn’t take the news well.
When she is viciously attacked by a gang in the prison shower, Helena is rescued by her hulking, reticent cell mate Dusty, and the two are soon bonding over vintage movie stars – as well as Dusty's muscular physique.
忍不住要多提一下片頭那段「MORE SEX」,實在是讓人哭笑不得!

終於,Tina說話了:「They are not having a relationship! They are just fucking!(她們沒有要在一起好嗎!她們只是來一炮!)」(真有哲理啊Tina!)

會不會其實我們-我指我們這些lesbians與我們的girlfriends, ex girlfriends,甚至於girl(female)friends-根本就像那個殺菌洗衣機廣告那樣,一直都躺在同一張床上?